Mr Smooth Pac si 103 Stakes Winner of 27 races had a "heart to win" and was considered as one of the toughest horses to outrun in the mid-west in the mid-80's. A good friend of Guy Ray Rutland's, Mr. A.J. Pursley, bred and raised Mr Smooth Pac. A. J. would "talk" to his horse before every race and "tell him" just how fast he was going to have to run that day. The day "Smooth Pac" would face the toughest field of horses yet, A.J. said "I told him he was going to have to run 101 speed index to win this race, ol' buddy". He ran 103 and won by daylight. You can't knock success. It seemed to work for A.J. and Mr Smooth Pac 27 times.
His offspring proved him to be a sire, as well. Of his starters on the track, 67% were winners and 61% earned their Register of Merit. He sired such horses as Whites Man Friday si 97 Stakes Winner $30,998 with 12 wins, 6 seconds and 4 thirds in 31 starts; Mr Smooth Grit si 101 Graded Stakes Horse; Smooth Moon Pac si 90 Graded Stakes Horse; etc.
His dam, Butler Smooth Lady si 95 is the dam of 7 starters, 5 ROM including Mr Smooth Two si 95; Baileys Smooth Pac (who was a AAA Stakes Producer AND the dam of Marthas Smoothover, #19 All-Time Leading Barrel Horse earning $161,373), etc. They both were full siblings to Mr Smooth Pac.
Bennett's Butler AA (by Ridge Butler) was a Leading Dam of 12 ROMs including Butler Bailey Two si 90 Stakes Winner; Ledo Sabu si 95 Stakes Winner, AAA Stakes Producer; Lady Butler Bar si 86 Stakes Winner; Butler Bailey si 86 Stakes Placed; etc.
Mr Smooth Pac foals all had that "Pacific Bailey" look to them with good muscling, straight legs with the kind of conformation we look for. They were horses that you could go do anything on.